uPVC Windows

uPVC Windows

Bespoke uPVC Windows
for Ipswich, Suffolk

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At Tradesupply Windows, we specialize in uPVC windows and are proud to offer a wide range of styles for builders and developers in Ipswich, Suffolk and the surrounding areas. As a trusted window manufacturer with over 30 years of experience, we take immense pride in ensuring our uPVC windows come with a high energy rating and are made from 100% recycled uPVC components. Our window supplier offers high-quality uPVC windows that are not just made from the best materials on the market, but they’re sustainable too. 

Our uPVC windows are durable, long lasting and low maintenance, so there will be exceptionally low costs for your clients once the installation is complete. All our uPVC windows are fitted with high-security locking mechanisms to provide you additional assurance that all homes you work on are completely protected during the construction process. 

With a multi-chambered frame design, our uPVC windows provide the energy efficiency your clients need, while keeping everyone safe and comfortable all year long. Contact our local window supplier today to discuss your project specifications with our window manufacturer or visit our trade counter in Ipswich to learn more about our selection of uPVC windows.

Wide Colour Range

At Tradesupply Windows, we have a wide range of colours and styles available for our uPVC windows, ensuring that your clients receive the windows that match their homes perfectly. In addition to their vast amount of colour options, uPVC windows bring with them a variety of advantages over traditional windows. From high energy-efficiency and minimal maintenance requirements to their quality construction and durability, you’ll be able to provide your clients with a unique and enjoyable window system. No matter what the style of the property may be, our window manufacturer will create high-quality uPVC windows that your clients will be sure to enjoy for years to come.


While windows can breathe so much life into a home, they aren’t the only aspect a builder should rely on during their project. With access to high-quality materials and supplies, our team can provide a wide selection of aluminium bifold doors, uPVC back doors, gutter systems, composite decking and other premium products. 

Enquire with our window supplier today to discuss your project requirements or visit one of our showrooms in Ipswich and Martlesham to browse our product selection.

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